Propulsion Module 1

Marine Propulsion: Propulsion Plant Concepts and Basic Ship Hydrodynamics (module 1)

Training 5 - 6 April 2023

The training series Marine Propulsion Systems is a unique technical and international oriented training for those who wish to acquire in-depth knowledge of the design of different marine propulsion systems. Topics during the four modules range from different power plant concepts and components to integrating components into properly matched propulsion systems. Working principles and characteristics of propulsors, internal combustion engines and electric power generation and distribution systems will all be dealt with throughout the training series. What are the possibilities of sustainable solutions? As well as a module on matching engines with propulsors including off-design operation of propulsion systems. Sign up

During the first module ‘Propulsion Plant Concepts and Ship Hydrodynamics’ different power plant concepts and their main components, such as general design considerations and component interaction are discussed. Ship and propeller characteristics are the main topics on the second day.


The participants will learn about the basics of design of marine propulsion systems during the first module. The relation between the operational profile and power plant concepts, as well as interaction between power plant components in terms of their (idealized) characteristics, will be discussed. Also, the basics in ship resistance and hydrodynamics necessary for the design of these systems and propeller characteristics (open water diagram) will be explained. The theory is practised by means of exercises during the modules. At the end of this module the participant will be able to draft a concept design for a marine propulsion system depending on the expected operational profile of a ship.


  • Introduction to: marine engineering, propulsion & electric power systems, diesel engines, transmission systems and propellers.
  • Power demand, load and drive characteristics.
  • Energy conversion and energy flow diagram.
  • Power Plant concepts: direct drive, geared drive, multiple shaft and combined drives, electrical concepts, all electric ship concept and hybrid drives.
  • Resistance: hull resistance, influences of fouling and seaways, interaction hull and propeller.
  • Propulsion: effective power, propulsion power chain, delivered power, propeller law and transmission power chain.
  • Propellers theory: working principle of a propeller, actuator disk theory, open water diagram, 4 quadrant diagrams.
  • Types of propellers and their characteristics: fixed pitch and controllable pitch propellers.
  • Transformation from ship resistance to propeller power, optimum propeller diameter and speed.
  • Water jet operational diagram.

Target Group

This module is intended for designers and (sales) engineers who deal with the integration or the design of marine propulsion systems during concept and/or preliminary design phase. It will also be of interest to people who come across aspects of these systems during their (daily) work and who wish to learn more about the working principle of marine propulsion systems. The international setting offers participants a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and to network with colleagues, clients and suppliers. This enables them to position their companies even better in the international shipbuilding cluster.

Course material

For this training course we use the book Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems as a reference. The participants can order the book ‘Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems’ by Prof. Klein Woud and Prof. Stapersma (publication by Imarest) and a binder with the lecture slides. These items can be ordered on the registration form.


Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) organises the first module in close cooperation with Delft University of Technology. The lecturer is professor P. de Vos MSc, Director of Studies Marine Technology.


Participants rated this training with an A.


The 5th & 6th of April, 2023


Two days


09.00 – 17.00 hours


NMT, Boompjes 40 (or another location) in Rotterdam (the Netherlands)


Members € 1.225,-
Non-members € 1.550,-

All prices are exluding VAT. The training series Marine Propulsion consists of 4 modules, which you can participate in independently. If you wish to participate in multiple modules, we offer will offer you a discount on the totall price.

1 module = full amount
2 modules = 5% discount on the total amount of both courses
3 modules = 10% discount on the total amount of 3 courses
4 modules = 15% discount on the total amount of 4 courses

All modules you have registered for, need to be completed within 2 years. Discount will be deducted from the last invoice.

If the organisation you work for falls within the ambit of the CAO Metalektro, you might entitled to compensation from one of  the A+O development funds. Please go to the website of A+O Metalektro (foundation for development by the social partners in Metalektro) if you are looking for more information. If your organisation falls within the ambit of the social partners in metalworking, you might be entitled to compensation from one of the OOM educational settlements. Please go to the website of OOM (schooling agency for the social partners in metalworking)  if you want more information about these funds.

Other modules

Marine Propulsion Module 2: Marine Internal Combustion Engines, (sustainable) fuels & emissions (May  9 & 10, 2023)
Marine Propulsion Module 3: Propulsion system integration: Matching machinery and propeller (June 7 & 8, 2023)
Marine Propulsion Module 4: Electrical Drives Characteristics (November 21 & 22, 2023)

More information

For more information please contact Jeannette Lucas, Training Manager at the NMT’s office via T +31 (0)88 44 51 043 or

Convinced? Then sign up