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Nor-Shipping 2025

Exhibition 3 - 6 June 2025

From June 3-6, 2025, the Nor-Shipping trade fair will take place in Oslo. Nor-Shipping is known as a fair with a strong focus on innovation. Norway is also progressive in the field of autonomous sailing and Blue Economy. Also this year Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) organizes during Nor-Shipping a NL Pavilion at an excellent location on the exhibition floor. Will you join us and show the strong Dutch innovative strength at this exhibition? Sign up

Joëlla Lucas


Joëlla Lucas Teamleider Trade, Events & Trainingen +31(0)884451024

Cost per company
  • NMT members: € 925,- excl. VAT.
  • Non-members, € 1025,- excl. VAT.
  • Minimum m2 per stand is 12m2.
  • Prices do not include travel and accommodation costs.
NL Pavilion

The NL Pavilion is in Hall C in an excellent location; at an intersection of main aisles and across from the Norwegian Pavilion. Participation in the pavilion is included:

  • Total area of joint pavilion: 241m2
  • Stand construction including display of your company logo and name
  • Stand inventory, electricity and lighting
  • Central lounge with catering
  • Networking reception
  • Transport package on offer
  • Joint PR
  • Support from NMT
About Nor-Shipping

A message from Nor-Shipping organizers: “The response we received from exhibitors and visitors was fantastic, and meeting current and new contacts again in person was apparently long overdue! We had 596 exhibitors from 34 countries and 21 015 visitors from 83 countries.

  • Hall B - Safety & Rescue
  • Hall C - Shipbuilding & Repair
  • Hall D - Maritime Services & Logistics
  • Hall E - Propulsion & Machinery
  • Hall T - Blue Economy and "tomorrow's business solutions today".
Discount possibility

Possibly your SME can get up to € 1.500 discount on Trade activities of NMT by using the mission voucher. Click here for more information.

The Norwegian Market

Norway is one of the few countries with a large maritime cluster, consisting of leading international shipping companies, seafarers, shipyards, maritime suppliers, ship designers, brokers and providers of insurance and financial services. Shipbuilding in Norway is very diverse. It includes expedition cruise ships but also ships for the offshore wind industry, ferries and fishing vessels. Norway has a number of important shipyards, namely: Ulstein Verft, Vard, Vard Brattvaag, Vard Langsten, Vard Søviknes, Havyard Ship Technology, Westcon Yard and Aas Mek. Verksted. There are also numerous other yards building small workboats, among other things. Several parties maintain Norway's order book, see this website, among others.

The country also has several leading maritime design firms, such as Ulstein, Skipsteknisk, Marin Teknikk, Salt Ship Design, Vard Design, Multi Maritime, Polarny Maritime D&E, Deltamarin, NSK Ship Design and Kongsberg. These design firms, of course, also produce designs for ships built elsewhere in the world, such as Turkey and Russia. The Norwegian fleet is one of the largest in the world, this is true for both Norwegian owners and technical managers. In 2019, the fleet of Norwegian technical managers consisted of about 2,300 ships. Much of the fleet can be divided into a number of ship types, namely: passenger ships and ferries, offshore supply ships, fishing vessels oil/LNG/LPG tankers and general cargo ships. Many Norwegian short sea ships are relatively old and in need of replacement. There are therefore many opportunities here for Dutch shipyards and suppliers. Relevant topics among Norwegian ship owners are sustainability, efficiency, digitalization and linking smart systems on board.

More information

For more information, contact Trade Promotion Coordinator Joëlla Lucas at T 088 44 51 024 or E

Convinced? Then sign up

Attendees Nor-Shipping 2025

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