
Training in Negotiation Skills in Maritime Projects (Stakeholder Management II).

Training 4 October 2023

The success of a project depends heavily on the commitment and involvement of all participating parties. Especially when it comes to complex projects, it is important to carefully coordinate all activities; a chain is as strong as its weakest link. Sign up

Stakeholder management focuses on the skills, methods and techniques needed to efficiently direct the progress of work. Around this theme, NMT offers 2 in-depth modules*:

=> Stakeholder Management I - Collaboration in Maritime Projects=> Stakeholder Management II - Negotiation Skills in Maritime Projects.

The modules are intended for project leaders, clients and suppliers, who are involved in large-scale projects and who know that the success of such projects lies in the quality of cooperation with all stakeholders. The modules are also suitable for all those who in practice too
often suffer from abusive tactics, cumbersome procedures and an insular culture.
* The modules each offer a completed program and can be followed separately.

You often sit around the table with various parties to make your maritime projects successful. Negotiate about extra work issues, delivery problems or quality issues, as well as interests of internal departments among themselves. The goal of the consultation is clear: find agreement between all parties involved. So do you go for a quick but temporary compromise or would you rather invest in a long-term solution? Do you stick to your own line or do you veer with the other person's priorities?

In this training course Negotiation Skills in Maritime Projects the focus is on 'Excellent Negotiation'. A methodology for future-oriented and problem-solving negotiation. You gain insight into your own negotiating style and learn how to avoid the pitfall of a war of words.

If you are interested in this training, please contact Jeannette Lucas at


  • 3 communicative competences necessary for a successful negotiation conversation
  • 4 basic principles for an excellent negotiation
  • 5 strategic choices, with extra attention for short and long term effects

After the course

  • Know the difference between distributive and integrative negotiation and know when to choose which approach.
  • Recognize defensive routines during a negotiation and know how to deal with them professionally.
  • Have insight into your own negotiation style and know where to pay extra attention to get more out of a negotiation.

The module is structured as follows

  1. Preparatory assignment: you will receive an instructional video with two preparatory assignments approximately 2 weeks before the training.
  2. Training; during an interactive and varied day, the course material is treated.
  3. Concluding assignment; you work out a personal negotiating passport. In an online 1-on-1 conversation with the teacher you will discuss the results of your elaboration and receive feedback.

Training date

Oktober 4th (the individual interview will be scheduled in consultation)

Training duration

1 day training as well as preparation assignments, an assignment to work on after the training and a concluding online 1-on-1 conversation with the trainer

Training times

9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


NMT Rotterdam office or other location in the Rotterdam region


Members NMT: € 925,-
Non-members: € 1.150,-

All amounts are exclusive of VAT. Lunch will be provided.

If your organization is part of the CAO Metalektro, you may be able to make use of compensation through one of the development funds. Go to the website of A+O Metalektro for information about the possibilities. If your organization is affiliated with one of the social partners in the metalworking industry, you may be able to make use of one of the schemes for training programs. Go to the OOM website for information about the possibilities.

Curious about in-company possibilities? We are happy to provide you with a quote. Contact NMT on T 088 44 51 043.

Convinced? Then sign up

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