
Renewable Energy and Climate Summit Indonesia - The Netherlands

July 18 2023

We would like to invite all companies, knowledge institutes and investors in the Dutch Renewable Energy Industry to join us to the Netherlands - Indonesia Renewable Energy and Climate Summit in Jakarta from 9-13 October.

The Netherlands government, knowledge and private sector partners are keen to work together with Indonesian counterparts to support the energy transition and boost trade and investment relations in Indonesia.

The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) between Indonesia and its international partners calls for renewable energy to comprise at least 34 per cent of Indonesia’s power generation by 2030. As one of the JETP implementing partners, the Netherlands is creating investment opportunities for renewable energy to make the transition successful. Join us for the summit in October! Please read some relevant information on the Summit below including the opportunity to register your participation: 

Why Indonesia?

The Renewable Energy and Climate Summit in Jakarta will offer an inspirational view of a sustainable future for Indonesia. It aims to catalyse the renewable energy transition by connecting the Indonesian government, the Dutch and Indonesian private sectors and renowned and qualified investors. Businesses, investors and government partners will gain knowledge of the latest innovations and relevant developments. We will outline a contribution to a sustainable future for Indonesia by sharing knowledge and networks, discussing possible solutions to persistent challenges, and fostering collaboration between the investment space and project developers and matching potential partners.

Focus on offshore wind and floating solar energy

The thematic focus will be on offshore wind and floating solar energy development. However, during the round tables and workshops we will also address themes like onshore wind, green hydrogen, Carbon Capture and Storage and grid development.
There will be a strong emphasis on unlocking capital by bringing together finance institutes with project developers. Also, we will encourage trade relations and business opportunities between Indonesian and Dutch trade partners.

Proposed programme during renewable energy and climate summit

This summit will offer an exclusive knowledge and networking programme for government and business representatives, investors and knowledge institutes. The programme aims to stimulate investments in the Indonesian renewable energy sector, establish or strengthen business relations and share insights into solving bottlenecks for a just energy transition in Indonesia

The programme includes:

• Investors Forum, with - tentatively - participation of World Bank, IFC, ADB, Invest International, and FMO;
• Thematic round tables and workshops with government and State Owned Enterprises, investors and the private sector;
• Matchmaking activities;
• An outlook on Indonesian renewable energy and JETP ambitions;
• Site and company visits.

Target audience

The Dutch government aims to invite a group of around 80-100 experts (40-50 from Indonesia, 40-50 from The Netherlands) who are:

• representatives from the Indonesian and Dutch governments working on the (financing of the) energy transition;
• investors active in energy transition financing;
• business leaders active in the renewable energy sector with a focus on offshore wind and floating solar;
• experts from knowledge institutes working on renewable energy development.

Costs and participation details

Participation fee is €500 per organization, excluding VAT (maximum of 2 participants per organization). Each additional participant costs €250. Each participant should register separately.

Travel and accommodation expenses are at your own cost. You can use the travel arrangement proposed by us, or you can book your own travel and accommodation arrangements.

The package consists of:

  • Full access to all thematic sessions, organised site visits, lunches and networking dinner;
  • Participation in networking and matchmaking activities (matchmaking, round tables and

This Renewable Energy and Climate Summit is organised by the Dutch government (RVO and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in close cooperation with the Indonesian government, investment partners and trade organisations. We welcome partners from the Indonesian and Dutch governments, investors, industry, trade and knowledge institutes.

More information?

If you have any questions regarding this mission, please contact Jessie Brockhoff at, call the office at +31 (0) 20 7754411 or visit the website of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency: Renewable Energy and Climate Summit Indonesia