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The Maritime Match Day committee

April 25 2023

On the 16th of May the twelfth edition of Maritime Match Day will take place. Now that we hopefully don’t have to speak of Covid anymore, this year’s goal is to make the MMD bigger than ever before: more students and more companies will make the MMD of 2023 even more interesting and diverse! A wider range of activities means that it will be an attractive event for all TU Delft students interested in working in the maritime world.

The Maritime Match Day aims to bring students closer to maritime companies from various sectors. From offshore companies to superyachts builders, and naval architect bureaus to research institutions, every part of the sector will be present at the exhibition floor where companies will present themselves at their stand. This year there will be more than 30 companies attending the exhibition floor, which means that no matter what your interest is, there will be something for you!

Throughout the day, there will be various activities, with a big focus on the exhibition floor. Furthermore there will be cases, where you will work with a group of students to find a solution to a problem presented by a company. There will also be a discussion panel and short presentations by speakers from companies and the TU Delft, discussing several current challenges in the Maritime industry. Perhaps by looking Beyond the Horizon, we may find the solutions so desperately needed in this day and age.

The current committee, Sanne Jongbloed, Annemiek Schwippert, Kevin Lu Mathijn Brink, Pepijn Lebbink strives for an unforgettable day for both the students and the companies. The committee has already been planning and making arrangements for this day to make it innovative and refreshing, make it accessible for students from all different stages of their Bachelor and Master studies, and to make it interesting for the participating companies.
Let’s look Beyond the Horizon together and see you soon!