
Organizational structure

Branch organization Netherlands Maritime Technology represents the interests of member companies (shipyards, suppliers and service providers), offers professional support for projects and conducts independent research.

Netherlands Maritime Technology Association

Netherlands Maritime Technology Association represents the interests of the Dutch maritime technology cluster with Dutch and European governments and other bodies relevant to the functioning of the sector.

The association facilitates companies through export support, realization of innovation projects and exchange of knowledge. Demand-driven services for members are central.

The association also vigorously promotes the positive social image of the Dutch maritime technology cluster.

Netherlands Maritime Technology Association formally has two members:

- VNSI (Vereniging Nederlandse Scheepsbouw Industrie), under which the shipyards and associate members are united

- HME (Holland Marine Equipment Association), under which the maritime suppliers are united.

Following the introduction of a single name for all activities, Netherlands Maritime Technology, in May 2014, the names VNSI or HME are no longer used.

Netherlands Maritime Technology BV

Netherlands Maritime Technology owns Netherlands Maritime Technology BV (formerly HME BV). The BV implements projects in the areas of Trade, Innovation and Human Capital. Through collective activities the BV strengthens the position of maritime suppliers and yards on foreign markets, stimulates innovation and spreads know-how within the maritime cluster.

Netherlands Maritime Technology Foundation

The independent Netherlands Maritime Technology Foundation (formerly CMTI) is engaged in technology and business development in the Dutch maritime technology sector. The foundation focuses on stimulating innovation in the maritime sector. At both national and European level, the foundation has years of experience in project management in the field of maritime innovation. Netherlands Maritime Technology Foundation is a professional partner in this industry for the preparation of project plans, substantive and financial preparation of projects, implementation and coordination of projects.

In joint projects, Netherlands Maritime Technology Foundation is an expert for the maritime industries and knowledge institutes, by combining its maritime knowledge and project experience in the right way.

Initiating and coordinating research in cooperation with parties from the sector is aimed at without profit. Funding takes place from project budgets.

Netherlands Maritime Technology Brussels Office

NMT has a permanent representative in Brussels who represents our members' interests to the European Union and its institutions. The subject of Level Playing Field is high on the agenda of our Brussels Office and is becoming increasingly important given the increasing protectionism in the world. This means, among other things, that our interests must be represented in the trade agreements that the EU concludes with countries around the world including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and China. We also keep a close eye on whether other European countries do not receive state aid, such as Spain, for example. Soon the subject of financing will receive more attention. Furthermore, the Brussels Office ensures that the interests of NMT members are well represented within SEA Europe. For this reason, the NMT Brussels Office moved to the new SEA Europe office at the end of September 2017.

One name: Netherlands Maritime Technology

All entities operate under the name Netherlands Maritime Technology. The additions Association, BV and Foundation are used for administrative purposes only.

Organization Chart

The association office is divided into 3 pillars, Trade, Innovation and Human Capital supported by the Finance and Communications departments.

Mission Netherlands Maritime Technology

Netherlands Maritime Technology is the trade association of the strong, innovative and internationally competitive network of Dutch shipyards, maritime suppliers and service providers. With passion and pride we work to realize the common interests of our members within the themes of Trade, Innovation and Human Capital.

Vision Netherlands Maritime Technology

The Dutch maritime technology sector is facing increasing global competition and protectionism. It is our conviction that our sector must distinguish itself in the areas of knowledge, sustainability and innovation. Netherlands Maritime Technology strengthens this distinctiveness by initiating activities and projects, stimulating cooperation and monitoring a level playing field.