
No show Fee

Why does NMT use a 'no show fee'? More and more you come across the 'no show fee' at Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) events. Why does NMT use such a fee? NMT offers its members many different types of events with the aim of sharing knowledge and networking. Often these events are free of charge. Of course, this does not mean that the organization of these events does not cost money.

In all our activities, we ensure that membership fees are used effectively. For example, we purchase as economically as possible. For participants who have signed up, we take into account such things as available space, catering and the hiring of audio/video equipment. If participants do not cancel, these costs are literally incurred for nothing!

The "no show fee" covers these costs. By simply charging the costs to the participants for whom the costs were incurred, we can continue to keep many events accessible and free of admission.

Unsubscribe if you can't make it

So have you signed up, but unexpectedly can't make it? Please cancel as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours before the event starts, via the confirmation you received. If you have questions or comments about the 'no show fee', please contact NMT's Events Department at