Damen Shiprepair Harlingen

Damen Shiprepair Harlingen (DSHl), part of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, is located in the northern part of the Netherlands, in the city of Harlingen. It is easily accessible through the Wadden Sea without any obstructions such as locks, bridges or tidal restrictions, up to a guaranteed draft of 7.5 meters. The yard is equipped with a shiplift (up to 120 m), with the ability to move vessels on to the spacious quayside. The yard can work on several vessels in dry conditions at the same time. Also, for more extensive repairs and conversions, the yard has two covered repair halls.Damen Shiprepair Harlingen is an all-round repair and maintenance yard. 95% of the vessels at DSHl are seagoing vessels, however sometimes the inland vessels also dock at the yard. The most important customer groups are ferry operators (the ferries to the islands of Vlieland and Terschelling depart from Harlingen), fishery vessels, dredgers (the Wadden Sea undergoes continuous dredging) and general cargo vessels. The yard’s activities continue to evolve, with vessels from the offshore sector becoming more frequent visitors.Main markets/services