Damen Shiprepair Oranjewerf

Located in the eastern part of the Port of Amsterdam, close to the Oranje locks and the Amsterdam Rhine canal, Damen Shiprepair Oranjewerf, part of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, is an all-round yard repairing virtually everything. Being situated in the port has its perks due to vicinity of a broad range of shipping companies and other maritime services providers with the office in the port of Amsterdam. As well as repair, Damen Shiprepair Oranjewerf has ample experience with conversions in the offshore industry such as DSV (diving support vessel) and conversions of fishing vessels to standby boats. The yard is considered to be a mid-sized yard, with one floating dock, a slipway and several repair berths. In addition to these resources machine shops with specialized equipment are present. The shipbuilding hall is also equipped with state-of-the-art machinery to meet the customers’ expectations.