Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen

Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen (DSV), part of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, is located in the Southern tip of The Netherlands and is within easy reach of the major North Sea shipping routes and in the centre of the ARA ports. Being directly accessible with an entrance width of 500 metres, almost any size and type of ship can enter the harbour at any state of the tide. The yard lies on the main trading route to one of Europe’s largest ports: Antwerp.At the yard they have three well equipped dry docks. The dry docks consist of one standard, one covered with two overhead cranes (total lifting capacity of 300 tons) and one floating dock. Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen can dock vessels up to 240 metres in length and with a beam of 36 metres. To execute the most challenging repairs, they have all the equipment, from tools and other equipment to crane and transport facilities.The yard focuses on all types of seagoing vessels and offshore installations. Whether they are container carriers, pipe laying vessels, LNG carriers, seismic vessels, dredging vessels, offshore installations or indeed any other floating object. Also (large) fishing vessels and (large) navy vessels regularly visit the yard.