Eerland Shiprepair BV

Eerland Shiprepair B.V. has been active in maritime services since 1985 and has a well known reputation about ship repairs. You will recognize our craftsmanship, quality materials, serviceable thinking based upon experience through the last 3 decades.Innovation, quality, co-operative thinking and flexibility have become our trademark through the years. We are also VCA** and ISO 9001 certified.Core activities at Eerland Shiprepair are mainly: · Restoration activities, employing our self propelled crane ship Marine Service 1, lifting 35 metric tons up to a reach of 45 meters; · Ship repair; domestic and abroad; · Under water activities, employing our mobile docks; · Qualified welding jobs for steel, aluminium, stainless steel and duplex; · Overhauling of winches of all brands; · Repair of gangways, quays, pontoons, etc.