Lloyd’s Register EMEA Marine

The Lloyd’s Register Group is an independent risk management organisation providing risk assessment and risk mitigation solutions and management systems certification around the world. We work to improve our clients’ quality, safety, environmental and business performance.Founded in 1760 to examine merchant ships and ‘classify’ them according to their condition, today our expertise and activities extend far wider than the shipping field. In addition to marine activities, we have operations covering management systems, land-based industries, railways, and oil and gas. The Lloyd’s Register Group has more than 240 offices and over 6,000 employees.Through its constitution, Lloyd’s Register is directed ‘to secure, for the benefit of the community, high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation, and performance, for the purpose of enhancing the safety of life and property at sea and on land and in the air’.The Lloyd’s Register Group operates independently of any government or other body and can assure absolute commercial impartiality. It is a non-profit distributing organisation; income derived from our fees and the sale of publications is used for research and development, training our staff and to improve services.