NRF, Nederlandse Radiateuren Fabriek BV

That NRF, Nederlandse Radiateuren Fabriek, supplies top quality products is a well known fact. That NRF introduced the boxcooler in 1958 is less well known. The fact remains, NRF is the inventor of the U-shaped boxcooler.Besides an excellent relationship with boxcooler users, NRF exchanges plenty of experience with marine engine manufacturers. Many shipyards, engine manufacturers and repair yards specify the “boxcooler” as standard.Striving for maximum quality, runs like a red thread through the company since its foundation in 1927. This company philosophy resulted in the ISO 9001 certification. NRF’s great strength is the”everything under one roof” formula. All disciplines such as thermal design, calculations, engineering and production take place on our own premises. All vital components are machined in our plant and under our direct management. For every ship we have the best fitting and functional boxcooler available.With our software we can calculate and supply the most optimum boxcooler for any practical situation you can think off. All technological developments and changes are adapted in our program. Backed the experience of millions of nautical miles, we can readily and efficiently respond to all developments.