Marine Propulsion: Electrical Drives Characteristics (module 4)
The training series Marine Propulsion Systems is a unique technical and international oriented series of training modules. It is developed for those who wish to acquire in-depth knowledge of the design of different marine propulsion systems. When you have completed the module ‘Electrical Drive Characteristics’, you will be able to decide which type of electrical drive component and/or system will be suited best for a particular vessel design. The theory is practiced by means of exercises. Meld je aan

Marjolein Greve
Adviseur Trainingen
+31 (0)6 30 15 02 41
During the fourth module ‘Electrical Drives Characteristics’ several concepts of electrical drive systems and their main components will be discussed.
For whom?
This module is intended for designers and (sales) engineers who deal with the integration or the design of marine propulsion systems and in particular electrical propulsion during concept design phase. It will also be of interest to people who come across aspects of these systems during their (daily) work and who wish to learn more about the working principle of marine electrical propulsion systems.
Costs (excl. VAT)
- Members € 1.375,-
- Non-members € 1.735,-
This training is part of the training series Marine Propulsion, a unique technical and internationally orientated training about the design of several propulsion systems. This module can be attended separately from the other modules (1-3).
Date and location
21th and 22th of May 2025, from 9:00-17:00, NMT office or at another location in the greater Rotterdam area (the Netherlands)
When you have completed the training ‘Electrical Drive Characteristics’, you will be able to decide which type of electrical drive component and/or system will be suited best for a particular vessel design.
The training covers the following topics:
Introduction to electrical propulsion systems and their components
Why electric propulsion?
Basic of electrical engineering - Theory of electric power
Electrical machines - Electrical aspects
Power electronics - Components- Converters- Inverters - Transformers
Drive characteristics
Supply systems and propulsion concepts
EMC: electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic emission and immunity
New technologies - fuel cells, batteries
Power management and automation
Class rules and standards
Electrical system integration and electrical safety
Optional modules for incompany training:
Power generation: voltage control, load sharing, diesel generator, isochronous control - OPTIONAL module
High voltage installations: physical characteristics, safety, design high voltage switchboards - OPTIONAL module
If the organisation you work for falls within the ambit of the CAO Metalektro, you might entitled to compensation from one of the A+O development funds. Please go to the website of A+O Metalektro (foundation for development by the social partners in Metalektro) if you are looking for more information. If your organisation falls within the ambit of the social partners in metalworking, you might be entitled to compensation from one of the OOM educational settlements. Please go to the website of OOM (schooling agency for the social partners in metalworking) if you want more information about these funds.
Other modules
Marine Propulsion Module 1: Plant Concepts and basic hydrodynamics
Marine Propulsion Module 2: Marine Internal Combustion Engines, (sustainable) fuels & emissions
Marine Propulsion Module 3: Propulsion system integration: Matching machinery and propeller
More information or interested in in-company possibilities?
For more information please contact Marjolein Greve, Training Advisor at the NMT’s office via T +31 (0)88 44 51 000 or E
Overtuigd? Meld je dan aan
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