Use cases
In 2022, two use cases were started by TNO and Marin. TNO is working on validating the Goodfuels solution and Marin is working on the validation of Econowind. Find below a brief explanation. TNO - Goodfuels GoodFuels is market leader in the development and worldwide distribution of advanced, sustainable biofuels – such as HVO. Biofuels are made from biomass and are a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. GoodFuels aims to accelerate the transition to fossil-free transport by jointly developing and commercializing truly sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. For the GoodFuels validation case, the fuels MDF1-100 (FAME) and MR1-100 (residual) biofuels, including various blends, are validated. This validation includes the following aspects:
- Environmental impact: impact on reduction of CO2, total emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants and appropriate to REDII Annex IX raw materials;
- Scalability: applicability to the maritime fleet;
- Technical effects and safety aspects (influence on wear, maintenance and operational reliability);
- Economic aspects (OPEX) and validation regarding the availability of raw materials and sustainability criteria.
Technology type | Alternative energy carriers and generation > biodiesel |
Applicable for vessel types | All vessels with diesel engines |
Emission reduction according to suppliers | - 90% CO2eq reduction compared to fossil fuel - Much lower SOx emissiouns compared to the current fossil reference fuel - NOx emissions are still being investigated by GoodFuels; - Lower PM emissions compared to MGO (especially at lower loads) |
TRL level: | TRL9 |
Current status: | - Real world measurements are performed on a vessel between Ijmuiden and Pasajes (Spain) with different biodiesel blends (0-50-70-100%). The raw results are ready and more detailed calculations can be performed. The first report is expected at the end of December. - The search for a second vessel is still ongoing - preference for Tier II or III - A value chain analysis is being executed, the results of this are expected to be shared in mid-February. |
Planning: | Depending on the possibility of measurements on a second vessel.. When these measurements are not executed, we expect to be able to share the results at the end of March. |
Contact GoodFuels Danzigerkade 15b 1013 AP Amsterdam
MARIN - Econowind Econowind is a Dutch based company fully dedicated to wind-assisted ship propulsion. Econowind has developed the VentiFoil suction wing. A fully working prototype has been sailing around since mid-2019, called the Ankie. Econowind has now installed wings on a total of 13 ships. MARIN is working on the performance validation of the VentiFoil® wind propulsion device manufactured by Econowind. The VentiFoil® is a wing shaped wind propulsor applying boundary layer suction through vents using an internal fan. The technology aims to maximize the thrust provided by the device. The performance of the VentiFoils® is determined with measurements of the in-service performance of the VentiFoils® on a general cargo vessel combined with a desk study. A tailor made setup was designed to measure the thrust and side force produced by the individual wind propulsors using strain gauges combined with a detailed structural analysis (FEM) for calibration. This significantly reduces the uncertainty which is present when obtaining performance changes by using the traditional shaft power measurement alone. In addition innovative LIDAR technology was used the accurately measure the wind profile. The data-analysis will concern the assessment of the fuel saving achieved with the Econowind suction wings for the full operational profile of the ship. In addition the analysis will be extended to a reference general cargo ship which is of interest for the I&W ministry and whose design and characteristics are described in the Green Deal.
Technology type | Emission reduction technologies > propulsion > wind propulsion |
Applicable for vessel types: | General cargo vessels, tankers or other vessels with room for one or two 40ft sea container(s). |
Emission reduction according supplier: |
The emission reduction was estimated as ton fuel saving per year by Econowind. These are converted to percentage savings using the in the green deal defined mission profiles. The fuels savings are based on the current use of the devices. It is noted that the devices could be used more often than the devices. It is noted that the devices could be used more often than currently is the case. This room for improvement is presented as optimal use. Supplier prediction of the operational fuel savings for the reference general cargo ship sailing at the defined operational speed of 13 knots. Supplier prediction of the operational fuel savinfs for the reference general cargo ship sailing at a reduced operational speed of 10 knots. Supplier prediction of the operational fuel savings for the MV Ankie |
TRL level: | TRL9 |
Current status: | - The monitoring campaign will last until October 2023 and a second sea trial is planned. A first preliminary report on the results will issued in December 2022, the final report will be delivered in December 2023. - Aside from establishing the performance on fuel consumption (and ghg emission reduction), also an applicability assessment is planned. This assessment should indicate what is the applicability of the Ventifoil systemns and different types and sizes of general cargo vessels as well as other shiip typed. |
Planning: | The project will be closed in December 2023 |
Contact MARIN Econowind Leonard Springerlaan 7 9727 KB Groningen
Progress TNO TNO's focus in 2022 has been the validation of Goodfuels. This validation started in March 2022 and is almost completed. Before this case is completed, preferably validations on a second vessel will be executed. Besides first interviews have been held with Value Martime and Wattlab. The techniques of these two parties may become the following validation cases. In September, TNO, in collaboration with Marin, started a more generic impact analysis of all sustainable applications. This will result in a total overview of applicable and future technologies. Individual factsheets will be provided for these technologies.
Progress Marin MARIN started in early 2022 with the validation of a wind-supported propulsion system from Econowind, the VentiFoil®. The ship is currently sailing with all sensors installed. In addition, an additional test was carried out in strong wind to test the system in ideal conditions. The monitoring campaign will last until October 2023 and a second specific test is planned. As part of the overall study a more detailed study is executed. This study looks at economic aspects, practical implications and regulations. This will also provide clarity about the applicability of the system to other ships.
Progress NMT In August, September of this year, a tour was conducted among various members of NMT and KVNR to find out what the actual needs and expectations are regarding the information coming from the Green Deal validation cases. Based on these discussions, the decision has been made to make the various validation reports accessible through the channels of TNO and MARIN. KVNR and NMT will share this information and links among their members through the existing social media channels. A complete overview is therefore lacking, nevertheless the ambition is to create a complete overview of sustainable solutions as part of the maritime master plan.
If you want to know more about the project you can contact Lotte Monhemius – Innovation Manager NMT
The Green Deal was signed on 11 June 2019 by the maritime sector and Minister of Infrastructure and Watermanagement – Cora van Nieuwenhuizen. In this ‘deal’ it has been agreed that CO2 emissions of maritime shipping will be reduced by at least 70% in 2050 compared to 2008. It has been agreed that inland shipping will be emission-free and climate neutral by 2050.
This can only be achieved by applying new sustainable energy sources and solutions. Because these technologies are commercially new, there is still some reservation about the reliability. This blocks the actual application on new construction and/or retrofit.
One of the most important agreements in the Green Deal concerns the validation of the effects of sustainable maritime solutions. In order to accelerate and make the transition to zero-emission shipping effective, it has been decided to assess and validate the effects of available sustainable maritime solutions. In the period 2022 to 2024, the government will invest 1 million euro.
Over the next two years, validation reports on new sustainable ship technologies will be published by TNO and MARIN. This new information will be distributed through the channels of NMT and KVNR. This project will continue until December 2024.